Sunday 24 March 2013


A very short, 5 minutes, taxi ride to the airport  - and small airports are such a treat in that you are checked in, baggage gone and through “security” in a matter of minutes. And there was an added bonus in that in the departure area there was a coffee shop producing really good coffee – probably the best we’ve had here. And they had local newspapers – two of which are produced in English language form. Given that it’s not in the local language, the Myanmar Times was particularly good – well written reports and interesting opinion, comment and feature pieces. And a section on European football.
An interesting feature of the departure lounge is that departures are announced in Burmese and English over an incomprehensible pa system, so then someone goes around with a board showing the flight number being called – and also looks for relevant stickers (everyone is given an appropriate flight-related sticker to wear at check-in). So, if you miss the board, the airline staff can seek you out by your sticker.
Our flight was with Asian Wings airline and was spot on time – good service of drinks and snacks, and arrived at Heho on time.
It’s only a small turbo-prop plane – fewer than 50 people – and from the arrivals area we were able to watch our bags being trundled along from the plane by a couple of guys with a trolley. Again, it only took a few minutes from touchdown to being on our way to Kalaw in a taxi. The scenery was now totally different – before we were mainly in delta farmland, but here it is hilly, dry this time of year but most of the year lush and green.

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