Sunday 24 March 2013


Traffic drives on the right hand side but a high proportion of vehicles are right hand drive which makes things unnecessarily difficult. There is fairly heavy traffic in Yangon at certain times of day – although nothing like a western city. In other places traffic is usually very light. Most cars seem to be concentrated in Yangon – you really see relatively few elsewhere., although there are plenty of tuktuks, pickups, trucks, buses etc. And of course motor bikes and scooters – of which there are thousands. Although surprisingly, they are not allowed in Yangon.
Roads are generally single carriageway and not great quality – the tarmac at the edges is generally crumbling so the carriageway is narrowing. There are rarely any pavements for pedestrians.
Local public transport generally means a tuktuk or pickup which is hideously overloaded with people crammed into the back, baggage piled on the top, and more people sitting on top of the bags, and a few people hanging onto the back and sides.

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